
The Familyhood Connection Inc is a 501 C-3 corporation in the State of California.

Your donation supports our efforts in reaching our mission of promoting programs that bring the generations together to improve communities.

We are currently reaching out to school district Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Students, Business Partners to first understand what Healthy Economics is. After, understanding “Healthy Economics,” we are hoping they will give us feedback and/or adopt Healthy Economics as a district -wide strategy.

We are also reaching out Mayors of cities to adopt 1st Saturdays as the official “Monthly Volunteer / recruitment day in their cities.

Your donation assists our outreach efforts, including our web presence (1st,,, and the other sites used to promote Healthy Economics.

With your help we seek to attract enough schools to create gardens, farmers markets and grocery stores and the start-up capital to support Intergenerational Enterprises in every school.

We believe these food related enterprises can generate enough revenue to become self sufficient within a few years and very prosperous for years to come.

We thank you in advance for your consideration,

The Familyhood Connection Inc

“Our mission is to promote programs that bring the generations together to improve communities”

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